Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Icon Analysis

               The first icon I have chosen is “American Idol”; I have chosen this because I have been infatuated with this show from the moment it aired and it is hard to believe that we are now in the tenth season.  It symbolizes individuals pursuing their singing talents to become the next American Idol.  When you look at some of the talent that crosses that show it is just unreal.  I have to say that some of the talent that has been voted off, have become bigger stars than some of the Idols in a few of the seasons.

               The second icon that I decided to choose is the M & M’s Chocolate Candy.  Look at how far they have integrated over the years from just a plain M & M and now how many different kinds do we have to choose from now:  peanut butter, dark chocolate, pretzel?  What will they think of next?  Here’s a little of FYI for you:  I actually had to a statistics count in another class on candies and believe it or not, brown M & M’s DO NOT dominate the colors in the package, I found there were more orange and yellow M & M’s.

               I could not leave out the next icon, because it has become a permanent fixture in my house everywhere you look at that is the Mattel Hot Wheel.    Several years back, my husband became a collector of Hot Wheels and now we cannot pass the toy section of any store without looking for a new Hot Wheel.  Now we have Hot Wheels candy canes, lip balm, soap, cards; you name it we have it and it has never been opened.  The only time we open it is if we buy doubles and he gives them to little ones visiting.

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