Saturday, February 19, 2011

American Idol Debate of Judge, Steven Tyler

               I honestly don’t know what all of the fuss is about.  I am a huge fan of American Idol and when they started making all of these changes to the show I wasn’t quite sure that I was really going to continue to watch it anymore.  When Paul Abdul left and they brought Ellen DeGeneres to the show, I thought this is just great, someone who has no singing experience judging a talent show.  I have to saw that I thought she actually did a pretty good job, but that didn’t last very long.

               Then last year when all of the buzz came about that both Ellen and now Simon Cowell were both leaving the show, I wondered just how in the world this show could possibly survive.  When I heard they were considering Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez for the show I thought what a combination, a rocker and pop gal?  But I have to say that when I started watching it and watching the actually vibes of both of them when someone with real talent is singing, it is a true inspiration.  American Idol has brought two very talented judges to the show that has had very successful careers in the industry to find the next idol. 

               When I began my search to decide what to write this blog about I typed in Steven Tyler’s name, not realizing that there is now all this hype about his flirtatious manner with the underage contestants of the show.  As we do with anyone else in the public eye, it seems like people have to find something to escalate out of control.  Just because he is a rock star, with the bad boy image doesn’t make him a bad person.  I couldn’t find anything negative on the internet about him other than all of this American Idol hype at the present time, he had never been in any trouble for messing with underage girls.  I really like the attitude that he is bringing to the show, he has livened it up A LOT. 

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