Saturday, February 26, 2011

Crisis in Libya, Rising Fuel Prices

               So eight-three percent (83%) of the United States oil actually comes from right here in the United States, so I don’t quite understand why when the price of oil per barrel goes up in another country or there is a crisis overseas why we are gas prices are affected.  When I went to work yesterday the local gas station sign said $3.09, when I left to come from work last night I noticed a sign in the town that I worked at listed $3.38 (WOW).  At that point, my thoughts were, “What in the heck is taking place causing prices to rise like they just have?”  When I got back to my local gas station the sign said $3.15, so they had not yet increased prices that drastically yet, but this morning they had increased to $3.29.  

               I came home and turned on my television to discover the controversy now taking place in Libya affecting our gas prices.  It appears that things continue to spiral from the increasing gas prices at the pump, now the issues concerning Senate Bill 5 now making their way to the front end of headlines.  All I know is that I had to make a trip to the Port Columbus Airport last night to pick up my daughter and I had topped off my fuel tank which still had three-quarters of a tank and I it cost me $41.00, gas prices were at a whopping $3.49 last night!  I do own a Chevrolet Avalanche, but regardless of the size of the gas tank individuals are really going to feel a hurt in their wallets if fuel prices continue to climb as they are predicted to.

               On the other side of things, diesel fuel is skyrocketing as well.  My husband and I own and operate our own truck and although diesel fuel prices are increasing, the company that we are leased on with is slowly increasing the fuel surcharge that we receive in addition to the mileage.  When the fuel prices dropped they decreased the surcharge, but they are refusing to match the surcharges that they were previously paying for some reason.

               I certainly hope there may be some light at the end of the tunnel!!!!!

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