Friday, March 11, 2011

4-1 Earthquake in Japan

          The horrible earthquake in Japan has begun a horrible chain of events.  It is part of my daily ritual to sit down at my computer of a morning and began my morning my first reading the obituaries and then to see what is taking place in the news.  I have to say that when I turned on my computer and the first thing that popped up was that there was an earthquake in Japan that initiated a tsunami, I was pretty much mortified.  I immediately picked up my phone to call my daughter because her in-laws live in Southern California, so I wondered how this was going to affect them.  It appears that in Los Angeles they did miss most of the waves so they were pretty lucky, THANK THEIR LUCKY STARS!!!
          As the day has gone on, I have checked on the status of things and it appears that things appear to be getting worse.  The death toll continues to rise, they continue to have quite large aftershocks and temperature at one of the towers at the nuclear power plant continues to rise.  Seeing some of the pictures that are coming in it is clearly just an absolute mess in Japan, those who have survived this disaster are clearly lucky to be alive. 
          But I once again start to wonder how yet another disaster is going to affect us here as far as gas prices and everything else.  It seems like every time something happens we feel it hard here.  When that volcano erupted, it affected my husband job because it slowed down international flights which affected air freight here in the states so he did not work for almost two weeks, so things were pretty tight for us during that time period.  So I wonder what this will do???

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