Friday, March 18, 2011

5-1 Japanese Nuclear Crisis

              I once again choose to write more about the crisis in Japan following the earthquake and then the tsunami.  Things seem to continue to get worse as the days go on at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.  I really don’t see how this area of Japan will be able to recover from the devastation that they have endured from what I consider to be three national disasters, it will literally cripple there economy and possible ours.  It scares me to think about what this may do to our economy and how it will affect our country as well.  When you turn on the television this is pretty much all that you see now. 
               While I was reading my local newspaper today, there was a title “Local Family in Japan Earthquake”.   A family that is from a local town located about 15 minutes from where I live is in Japan because of the husband’s employment with Honda.  He was lucky and one or two of his co-workers died in the earthquake.  The only way that he was able to get to his wife and children was to run the eight miles to where they were living.  They have gone to Tokyo and as of late today are just waiting on a flight back to the states.  They said they are leaving with a sense of guilt because they are leaving friends behind that haven’t been so lucky to get out of the danger.
               They are saying that the nuclear radiation fall out does not pose a threat on the United States, as far as Alaska, Hawaii, or the West Coast, but many people do not seem to be reassured by anything that is being broadcasted.  I guess it is just like anything else, it is a waiting game.

1 comment:

  1. WOW, I am still in stock about this incident that occurred in Japan. I feel so sorry and distorted about what was happen to them. I have never heard of any thing that actually happens like this before in my life. The death toll is increasing daily and is stated to continuing to climb. They are going through so much right now from lack of food to the whole nuclear issue. We all are in a state of shock and disbelieve of what is going on in Japan. Great post
